Buildings of the new centre of Tallinn





“Numerous of buildings for public health services and for cultural and communal needs are in construction. The network of streets and green belts is being extended. In the next coming years it is even more to be intensified. The construction of the new centre of the town has been commenced, new large industrial buildings, apartment-houses, and schools are coming out of scaffolding. Together with the building of new houses, extensive restoration of architectural monuments of historical value is being carried on.”

– E. Ederberg, U. Kammal, A. Ristkok, Tallinn, Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, Tallinn, 1958

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  • Enthusiast

    Outstanding idea, I always seek after something like that, I have some pictures to share, but I am not sure about copyright, I mean they aren´t mine.

    • tomastallinn

      Great you like it! I only seek photos from travel guides I find. If you want to show your photos you can send a mail to me ( Or if you might use Instagram you can hashtag #thetallinncollector Always fun to meet other who loves vintage Tallinn