Tallinn’s factories and plants follow the road of modernisation and the raising of quality of output





“The buyers must be confident that what’s been made in Tallinn has been well made. An Estonian knows that “building a house is not raising one’s hat” and is a good worker. More than half of Estonia’s industrial enterprises are located in Tallinn. Electric motors, amelioration excavators, air coolers, oil apparatus, car safety belts, toys, flashlights, radio apparatus, racing cars, plastic ware, detergents, perfumery and cosmetics, drugs, furniture, pianos, skis, paper, silica bricks, concrete blocks, clothing, footwear, art objects, jewellery, fish and meat preserves, sausage, pastry, soft drinks and much else is manufactured here.”

– M. Mikk, Beautiful Tallinn, Perioodika Publishers, 1991

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